Pupil Premium
What is Pupil Premium?
The pupil premium is additional funding for publicly funded schools in England to raise the attainment of disadvantaged pupils of all abilities and to close the gaps between them and their peers.
Overview of the school
Total number of pupils on roll - 71
Total number of pupils eligible for PPG: 11
Main barriers to achievement faced by eligible pupils
The main barriers to achievement faced by eligible pupils are a lack of aspiration, linked to social & emotional issues together with poor language skills.
Some children with PP lack life experiences and have low expectations of themselves as learners
Home learning environments can limit some children’s learning: good communication and support from school is needed.
Nature of support September 2024 to September 2025
- Through Quality First Teaching, we intend to:
- Improve outcomes in maths attainment with a specific focus on reasoning
- Improve pupil's overall outcomes in writing and pupil's writing for pleasure
- Targeted Academic Support, we intend to:
- Be able to provide small group interventions for speech and language
- Be able to provide 1:1 daily reading for targeted groups/pupils
- Be able to provide specific interventions: Precision Teach
- Provide nurturing relationships and proactive responses for all pupils.
- Wider Strategies, we intend to:
- Be able to enhance the children's use and understanding of our school library through the employment of a school librarian
- Be able to increase opportunities to access high quality music lessons through the West Sussex Music Service
- Be able to widen children's experiences of drama, through the use of Divergent Drama to enhance sepcific curriculum areas.
Measuring the impact of PPG spending
- Singleton Primary School will:
- Measure the impact of the interventions by tracking the progress of the pupil premium pupilson a termly basis.
- Measure the success of pupils at the end of EYFS, KS1 and KS2 relative to Key Performance Indicators
- Use pupil surveys to collect qualitative data and anecdotal evidence in regard to changes to writing / music lessons / library provision and the drama workshops.